As a Mac admin, its great to have a go-to place for resources and reference materials, when it comes to maintaining an Apple ecosystem. Here at SlipStream we aim to provide such a place, containing links to key resources, how-to guides, and a repository of scripts commonly needed by IT admins in a macOS environment.
Providing the ability to identify new features, changes and security fixes included with macOS releases.
Although it’s easy to go to the website of an application developer are click a link to download an application, sometime there is a need to know the URL of where an application is located. A main reason for this is when needing to produce an installer script to deploy a particular application to Mac.
Although it’s easy to go to tAs so many IT admins know, scripts are powerful tools for enabling automation, standardisation, and time saving. Although we all may want to benefit from these, sometimes it is hard to know where to begin with the script creation. Hopefully the scripts here can aid in your quest to become an automation guru, provide a foundation for you to build upon. Although many of the scripts here may be used generically for performing tasks on computers running Apple macOS, some are specifically geared towards use within Jamf Pro. website of an application developer are click a link to download an application, sometime there is a need to know the URL of where an application is located. A main reason for this is when needing to produce an installer script to deploy a particular application to Mac.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Consec tetur adipisicing elit dignissim dapib tumst.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Consec tetur adipisicing elit dignissim dapib tumst.
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